How to Prevent STDs? (2025)

How to Prevent STDs?

Authored By: Dr. Leonard Leng.
Last updated: Aug 9, 2024.

There are numerous methods and practices that can help to prevent infection from sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as engaging in safe sex, regular testing, and getting vaccinated. Protecting yourself from STDs is important for maintaining good sexual health, reducing the risk of serious health complications, and promoting overall well-being. By taking proactive steps, you can safeguard your future health and avoid serious health complications. This can also lead to significant savings on potential healthcare costs.

In 2018, the top five STIs in Singapore were chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital warts, and herpes. Given how easily these infections can spread, and the fact that some may not cause immediate symptoms or any at all, it's important to take steps to protect yourself.

Understanding STD Transmission

STDs are infections caused by bacteria, viruses, or harmful microorganisms such as parasites. They are primarily transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. Some STDs can also be spread through skin-to-skin contact, sharing needles or from mother to child during pregnancy.

Bacterial viruses or harmful microorganisms such as parasites that causes STDs.

Safe Sex Practices

Here are some good practices for safe sex:

  • Using Protection Correctly: Protection such as condoms and dental dams are highly effective, though not completely, in preventing many STDs when used consistently and correctly. However, they may not always protect against STDs transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, such as syphilis, herpes, or human papillomavirus (HPV). It is important to choose the right size to prevent tearing, check the expiration date before use, and ensure the protection is undamaged.
  • Mutual Monogamy: Mutual monogamy, where both partners agree to have sex only with each other, significantly reduces the risk of STDs.
  • Open Communication: Discussing sexual health and history openly and honestly with your partner is vital. Talking about your sexual histories, testing, and preferred prevention methods can help protect both of you.
Condoms to prevent some STDs.

Regular Screening and Testing

Regular testing allows for early detection and treatment of STDs, minimising the risk of complications and transmission. The frequency of testing depends on your sexual activity and risk level. It is important to consult your doctor for personalised medical advice on STD testing.

At ATA Medical, specific STD tests and screening packages for multiple STDs are available. Based on your preferences, you can choose to consult with either a male or female doctor for these tests.

Blood test as part of regular STD testing.


Vaccination can be an effective tool for preventing certain STDs. Currently, vaccines are available for Hepatitis B and HPV. Hepatitis B vaccination helps to prevent liver infection that can lead to chronic liver disease, liver cirrhosis (scarring), liver cancer, and liver failure. The HPV vaccine protects against strains of the virus that cause cervical cancer and genital warts. At ATA Medical, we offer vaccinations for both these STDs:

Vaccination Price*
Hepatitis B
Engerix-B for Hepatitis B (per dose) $54.50
Twinrix for Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B (per dose) $125.35
Cervarix 2 $96 (MediSave-claimable)
Cervarix 2 (CHAS Orange / CHAS Blue) $23
Cervarix 2 (CHAS Green / Singaporeans) $45
Gardasil 9 $250
*Prices are NETT and inclusive of GST.

Communication and Education

  • Talking to Your Partner: Honest discussions about STDs and sexual health build trust and encourage shared responsibility for safe sex practices. Sharing your test results openly, if comfortable, and agreeing on preventive measures together can help protect both partners.
  • Educating Yourself: Stay informed about STDs and their prevention by referring to official and reputable sources.
Young asian couple having honest discussion about sexual health.

Reducing Risk Behaviours

  • Avoiding Casual and Unprotected Sex: Limiting casual sex and always using protection during sexual encounters significantly reduces the risk of STDs.
  • Limiting Number of Sexual Partners: Reducing the number of sexual partners lowers the chances of encountering an infected individual. A monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is the safest option for preventing STDs.
Monogamous relationships preventing STD transmission.


Preventing STDs is essential for maintaining sexual health and overall well-being. By understanding and practising safe sex methods, you can significantly reduce your risk of infection. Staying informed and taking proactive measures enable you to protect the health of you and your loved ones for the future.

Why Choose ATA Medical?

ATA Medical - One Stop Health Screening Clinic with X Ray, CT Scan, Mammogram and Ultrasound scans.
ATA Medical - One Stop Health Screening Clinic with X Ray, CT Scan, Mammogram and Ultrasound scans.
ATA Medical Orchard Clinic with Health Screening Nurses and Staff
Orchard Clinic
ATA Medical Tanjong Pagar Clinic with Health Screening Nurses and Staff
Tanjong Pagar Clinic
Patient having a health screening review with Dr Jana Lim of ATA Medical
Health Screening Review with Dr Jana Lim
Female patient undergoing ultrasound scan procedure at ATA Medical Clinic.
Mammograms & Ultrasound Scans with Female Staff
Female patient getting ready to undergo X-Ray procedure with a male staff assisting with the preparations.
One-Stop Clinic with X-Ray Facilities
Dr Leonard Leng of ATA Medical having a consultation session with a male patient.
Consultation About Men or Female Health With a Doctor of Your Choice

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Esteemed clientele of ATA Medical include: Google, Smart Nation Singapore, SkillsFuture Singapore, J.P. Morgan, Samsung Electronics, and NTUC Income.

What to Expect


We strive to deliver your results within 7 working days.


Our patient-oriented processes ensure your waiting time is kept to a minimum.

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Want to do health screening in the comforts of your home with your family or partner? Try our home-based health screening.

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Book your STD screening with us at 88838892

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The only 100% way to prevent an STD is through abstinence, which means not having vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
1) Use condoms consistently and correctly 2) Engage in mutual monogamy 3) Get regular STD screenings. 4) Get vaccinated for HPV and hepatitis B 5) Avoid sharing needles 6) Limit the number of sexual partners. 7) Avoid casual and unprotected sex 8) Maintain open communication with sexual partners about health and testing 9) Practise good personal hygiene 10) Stay informed about STD prevention methods.
Get regular screenings, practise safe sex, and maintain open communication with your partner. Staying informed and consulting with doctors can also provide reassurance.
STDs have existed for centuries, with some infections documented in ancient texts. They are caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can be transmitted through sexual contact.
Practise safe sex by using condoms, get regular screenings, maintain a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner, and get vaccinated for HPV and hepatitis B.
Use condoms consistently, get regular screenings, limit the number of sexual partners, avoid casual and unprotected sex, and get vaccinated for HPV and hepatitis B.
While condoms significantly reduce the risk of many STDs, they are not 100% effective. Some STDs can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact that a condom does not cover.
Many STIs do not show symptoms, so the only reliable way to know if someone has an STI is through testing. Open communication and mutual testing with partners are crucial.
Some STDs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis, can be cured with antibiotics. Others, like herpes and HIV, cannot be cured but can be managed with treatment.
Worry about STDs can stem from a lack of information, previous risky behaviour, or symptoms. Getting tested and consulting with a doctor can provide clarity and peace of mind.
The body's immune system can sometimes clear certain STDs, like HPV, on its own. However, many STDs require medical treatment, so regular testing and early intervention are essential.
How serious STDs are can vary based on complications, but generally, HIV, syphilis, herpes, HPV (due to cancer risk), and hepatitis B are considered severe due to their long-term health impacts.
STDs are primarily caught through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. They can also be spread through skin-to-skin contact, sharing needles, or from mother to child during childbirth.
The exact first STD is unknown, but syphilis is one of the earliest recorded, with outbreaks documented in Europe during the late 15th century.